
The origin of champagne Elodie D.

From grapes to wine glass

The Ecueil vineyard

The winery Avenue Ernest Vallé

Le Restaurant et le Bar : Bulles & Bonheur

Le Spa et la Maison d’hôtes : La Demeure d’Élodie


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The origin of champagne Elodie D.

“ A story of winegrowers,
has become a story of women winegrowers,
from mother to daughter “

I traced the history of my family back to 1658, the birth year of Marie Postié, who became a winegrower and whose parents were winegrowers. The legibility of the writings in the archives of Écueil does not allow me to trace the wine-growing seniority prior to this 12th generation.
Through the documents consulted, I can affirm that all my ancestors owned vines and the land they cultivated, so all their wines and then Champagnes were the fruit of their own production. Having always had our own presses, we are independent winegrowers and Récoltants-Manipulants (Handling and Harvesting).
I decided to focus only on one of the branches of my family because these 4 centuries united several families of notables in the region, winegrowers. Several of my ancestors were also mayors of Écueil.

* Click on the photos to see more.

Here is my story…

17th century


Marie Postié and Jacques Le Fèvre, winegrowers in Écueil, represent the first generation that I could find at the moment through my investigations. They had at least one daughter, Marie. 

Unfortunately, Marie Postié died at the age of 37, leaving her 3-year-old daughter.

18th century


Charlotte Primault and Robert Le Fèvre were also winegrowers. From their union a second Marie Le Fèvre was born.


Sophie (SEPTEMBER 23, 1793 – JUNE 16, 1872) and Grégoire (JANUARY 1, 1789 – ? )

Sophie (Marie Adélaïde Sophie Grignon) and Grégoire (Grégoire Philippart), both from families of winegrowers, united in Écueil in November 15, 1813. From their union, several children were born, including Clémentine who took over the family business.

19th century

Aristide (1847 – ?) and Célina (10 MAY 1850 –?)

Aristide (Rose Aristide Coquet) and Célina (Marie Rosalie Célina Dubois)
Aristide, 28, and Célina, 24, gave birth to a daughter, Clémentine. 


Hélène (DECEMBER 13, 1904 – APRIL 13, 1987)) AND GUY (APRIL 8, 1909 – JULY 1953)  

At almost 40 years old, Hélène (Rose Marie Hélène Mongardien) got married to Guy from Reims (Guy Marie Serge Amiaud), in 1943. They had 2 daughters, Marie-Christine, born immediately, then Marie-Françoise 18 months later. A prisoner of war, Guy declares tuberculosis and is forced to isolate himself from his family, leaving Hélène to manage the domain alone with two young girls. He died 11 years after their union. 

Hélène sold her Champagnes under the brand that became Champagne Amiaud-Mongardien. At the same time, she became a Champagne wine broker and diversifies the activity of her presses with a pressing centre for Champagne Mumm, which seeks the famous Pinots Noirs from Écueil. At the time, the village of Écueil only had its presses and a cooperative.

From her two daughters, Marie-Christine took over the estate. Exploitation is transmitted from mother to daughter.

Denise Mongardien
(OCTOBER 18, 1910 – OCTOBER 9, 2001)

“Aunt Denise” is Élodie’s grandmother’s sister. She was very important in her life, both emotionally and professionally. Élodie knew her much longer than her grandmother and thus became her second grandmother. 

With a great personality and a great open-mindedness, “Aunt Denise” is the adventurer of the family. During the Second World War, altruistic, she was a nurse alongside the French Red Cross. Thereafter, she keeps friendly ties with people from all over the world. 

After her marriage to Jean Devoucoux, she left the property of Écueil and her winegrower family, whom she assisted in the vineyard work, as for the harvest. She moved to Autun in the 71 where she became a racehorse breeder alongside her husband. They don't have a child. “Aunt Denise” made the choice very early on to bequeath, on her death, her share of vines and land to whoever would take over the business. As a result, it is Élodie who inherits this wine-growing and family heritage. 



Separated or widowed, the women of the family often find themselves alone. Élodie separating in 2014, she is no exception to the rule. But, she broke the tragic destiny of women of descent thanks to Fabrice Spreux. Childhood and teenage friend of Élodie's vacation, Fabrice found her on April 1st. He thus changes the direction of his life and that of an entire lineage. They get married on December 21, 2019, the same day of Élodie's 43rd birthday. 

A true daily support, Fabrice, a former salesman and professional rugby player, reconverted to enter the world of Champagne. In 2017, he opened Bulles & Bonheur, ELODIE D.'s Champagne bar at 73 Avenue de Champagne in Épernay, and La Demeure d'Élodie, a guest apartment to be completed by summer 2023 at 71 Avenue de Champagne with rooms and suites, as well as a cellar spa and gourmet restaurant. 

From this second union, Rose was born in 2017, the only daughter of Élodie who enlarged the siblings of the 3 boys. Will she perpetuate the family history by becoming the next woman at the head of the estate?


MARIE (30 MAY 1692 – ? )

Marie Le Fèvre was a winegrower, following her parents.


Marie (1767 – ? ) AND JEAN-MICHEL (SEPTEMBER 19, 1754 – ? )

Marie Le Fèvre and Jean-Michel Grignon got married to on May 5, 1789, uniting two more families of winegrowers. Jean-Michel died after forty years of marriage.


Clémentine (NOV 22, 1824 – MAY 1, 1905) and Alexis (1819 – APRIL 23, 1905)

Clémentine (Marie Clémentine Philippart) and Alexis (Thomas Alexis Clovis Coquet), both children of winegrowers, made their first harvest during their first year of marriage, in 1844. They knew the marriage of the plane tree, 61 years of union, of love and work in the vineyard. At the same time, Alexis is mayor. This beautiful story ends with the death of Alexis. Clémentine, madly in love, died of grief 7 days after the loss of her husband. From this love was born a boy, Aristide.


Clémentine (APRIL 27, 1875 – MAY 1, 1958) AND GEORGES (1869 – AUGUST 5, 1935)

Clémentine (Marie Alexis Clémentine Coquet) got married Georges (Paul Georges Mongardien) from Sermiers, on November 19, 1893. From their marriage were born 3 girls, Madeleine, Hélène and Denise, and a boy, Bernard who became a doctor at Versailles. 

They sold their bottles of Champagne under the Champagne Georges Mongardien and Champagne Mongardien-Coquet brands. Georges was also the mayor of Écueil. He died of a heart attack in Vittel. Suddenly widowed in 1935, Clémentine became the first female winegrower in the family alone at the head of the estate. Then, among her 4 children, Hélène took over. Exploitation is transmitted from mother to daughter. 


Marie-Christine (NOVEMBER 2, 1944 – ) AND JACKY (DECEMBER 8, 1943 – )

Marie-Christine (Marie-Christine Denise Amiaud) got married to Jacky, (Jacky Julien Desbordes, computer specialist in the banking sector), in July 30, 1967. They had two daughters, Bérengère and Élodie. In 1969, Marie-Christine took over the Récoltant-Manipulant and broker card from her mother Hélène. Subsequently, separated for many years, Marie-Christine had to face the management of this family business alone. 

It was Élodie, the 11th generation of the family, who succeeded Marie-Christine in 1997,following higher education in the marketing of wines and spirits. Exploitation is transmitted from mother to daughter.


Élodie (DECEMBER 21, 1976 – )

The 10 generations of ancestors preceding Élodie all settled on the family estate of Écueil, even living in the vineyard for several generations. By marrying a winegrower in 2000, Élodie chose to leave her home in Écueil for another wine-growing village, Mareuil-Sur-Aÿ, near Épernay, where she continued the vinification of her wines (you may know 2Xoz, which became the Résurgence cuvée under ELODIE D.). From this union were born 3 boys: Louis, Paul and Pierre-Marie. 

After 14 years, united in marriage, Élodie decided to separate.

In 2014, after all these years, related to another Champagne house, Élodie once again focused solely on the family business and revived the history of her ancestors from the Montagne de Reims. Thus, from Élodie, which has become Desbordes again, was born ELODIE D., an eponymous brand, reflecting the feminine spirit of the house managed by women for 4 generations. 

21st century

Louis (SEPTEMBER 4, 2002 – ), Paul (JULY 23, 2005 – ), Pierre-Marie (MAY 16, 2008 – ) AND ROSE (JULY 10, 2017 – )

Louis and Paul, having already mapped out their professional careers according to their aspirations (one in 3D Design and one in architecture), Pierre-Marie would be more interested in viticulture. As for Rose, although very young, she already says she wants to be an oenologist, still working alongside her mother in the cellar, and her father with the international clients of Avenue de Champagne.

Will exploitation be transmitted from mother to daughter? One thing is certain, the story continues...

17th century


Marie Postié and Jacques Le Fèvre, winegrowers in Écueil, represent the first generation that I could find at the moment through my investigations. They had at least one daughter, Marie. 

Unfortunately, Marie Postié dies at the age of 37, leaving her 3-year-old daughter.


MARIE (30 MAY 1692 – ? )

Marie Le Fèvre was a winegrower, following her parents.

18th century


Charlotte Primault and Robert Le Fèvre were also winegrowers. From their union a second Marie Le Fèvre was born.


Marie (1767 – ? ) AND JEAN-MICHEL (SEPTEMBER 19, 1754 – ? )

Marie Le Fèvre and Jean-Michel Grignon got married to on May 5, 1789, uniting two more families of winegrowers. Jean-Michel died after forty years of marriage.


Sophie (SEPTEMBER 23, 1793 – JUNE 16, 1872) and Grégoire (JANUARY 1, 1789 – ? )

Sophie (Marie Adélaïde Sophie Grignon) and Grégoire (Grégoire Philippart), both from winegrowing families, united in Écueil on November 15, 1813. From their union, several children were born, including Clémentine who took over the family business.


Clémentine (NOV 22, 1824 – MAY 1, 1905) and Alexis (1819 – APRIL 23, 1905)

Clémentine (Marie Clémentine Philippart) and Alexis (Thomas Alexis Clovis Coquet), both children of winegrowers, made their first harvest during their first year of marriage, in 1844. They knew the marriage of the plane tree, 61 years of union, of love and work in the vineyard. At the same time, Alexis is mayor. This beautiful story ends with the death of Alexis. Clémentine, madly in love, died of grief 7 days after the loss of her husband. From this love was born a boy, Aristide.

19th century

Aristide (1847 – ?) and Célina (10 MAY 1850 –?)

Aristide (Rose Aristide Coquet) and Célina (Marie Rosalie Célina Dubois)
Aristide, 28, and Célina, 24, gave birth to a daughter, Clémentine. 


Clémentine (APRIL 27, 1875 – MAY 1, 1958) AND GEORGES (1869 – AUGUST 5, 1935)

Clémentine (Marie Alexis Clémentine Coquet) got married Georges (Paul Georges Mongardien) de Sermiers, November 19, 1893. From their marriage, were born 3 girls, Madeleine, Hélène and Denise, and a boy, Bernard who will become a doctor in Versailles. 

They sold their bottles of Champagne under the Champagne Georges Mongardien and Champagne Mongardien-Coquet brands. Georges was also the mayor of Écueil. He died of a heart attack in Vittel. Suddenly widowed in 1935, Clémentine became the first female winegrower in the family alone at the head of the estate. Then, among her 4 children, Hélène took over. Exploitation is transmitted from mother to daughter. 


Hélène (DECEMBER 13, 1904 – APRIL 13, 1987)) AND GUY (APRIL 8, 1909 – JULY 1953)  

At almost 40 years old, Hélène (Rose Marie Hélène Mongardien) got married to Guy from Reims (Guy Marie Serge Amiaud), en 1943. Ils ont 2 filles, Marie-Christine née aussitôt puis Marie-Françoise 18 mois plus tard. Prisonnier de guerre, Guy déclare la tuberculose et est contraint de s’isoler de sa famille, laissant Hélène gérer seule l’exploitation avec deux jeunes fillettes. Il décède 11 ans seulement après leur union. 

Hélène sold her Champagnes under the brand that became Champagne Amiaud-Mongardien. At the same time, she became a Champagne wine broker and diversifies the activity of her presses with a pressing centre for Champagne Mumm, which seeks the famous Pinots Noirs from Écueil. At the time, the village of Écueil only had its presses and a cooperative.

From her two daughters, Marie-Christine took over the estate. Exploitation is transmitted from mother to daughter.

Denise Mongardien
(OCTOBER 18, 1910 – OCTOBER 9, 2001)

“Aunt Denise” is Élodie’s grandmother’s sister. She was very important in her life, both emotionally and professionally. Élodie knew her much longer than her grandmother and thus became her second grandmother. 

With a great personality and a great open-mindedness, “Aunt Denise” is the adventurer of the family. During the Second World War, altruistic, she was a nurse alongside the French Red Cross. Thereafter, she keeps friendly ties with people from all over the world. 

After her marriage to Jean Devoucoux, she left the property of Écueil and her winegrower family, whom she assisted in the vineyard work, as for the harvest. She moved to Autun in the 71 where she became a racehorse breeder alongside her husband. They don't have a child. “Aunt Denise” made the choice very early on to bequeath, on her death, her share of vines and land to whoever would take over the business. As a result, it is Élodie who inherits this wine-growing and family heritage. 


1969 : Marie-Christine (NOVEMBER 2, 1944 – ) AND JACKY (DECEMBER 8, 1943 – )

Marie-Christine (Marie-Christine Denise Amiaud) got married to Jacky, (Jacky Julien Desbordes, computer specialist in the banking sector), in July 30, 1967. They had two daughters, Bérengère and Élodie. In 1969, Marie-Christine took over the Récoltant-Manipulant and broker card from her mother Hélène. Subsequently, separated for many years, Marie-Christine had to face the management of this family business alone. 

It was Élodie, the 11th generation of the family, who succeeded Marie-Christine in 1997,following higher education in the marketing of wines and spirits. Exploitation is transmitted from mother to daughter.


Élodie (DECEMBER 21, 1976 – )

The 10 generations of ancestors preceding Élodie all settled on the family estate of Écueil, even living in the vineyard for several generations. By marrying a winegrower in 2000, Élodie chose to leave her home in Écueil for another wine-growing village, Mareuil-Sur-Aÿ, near Épernay, where she continued the vinification of her wines (you may know 2Xoz, which became the Résurgence cuvée under ELODIE D.). From this union were born 3 boys: Louis, Paul and Pierre-Marie. 

After 14 years, united in marriage, Élodie decided to separate.

In 2014, after all these years, related to another Champagne house, Élodie once again focused solely on the family business and revived the history of her ancestors from the Montagne de Reims. Thus, from Élodie, which has become Desbordes again, was born ELODIE D., an eponymous brand, reflecting the feminine spirit of the house managed by women for 4 generations. 



Separated or widowed, the women of the family often find themselves alone. Élodie separating in 2014, she is no exception to the rule. But, she breaks the tragic destiny of women of descent thanks to Fabrice Spreux. Childhood and teenage friend of Élodie's vacation, Fabrice found her on April 1st. He thus changes the direction of his life and that of an entire lineage. They get married on December 21, 2019, the very day of Élodie's 43rd birthday. 

In real daily support, Fabrice, a former salesman and professional rugby player, is converting to integrate the world of Champagne. In 2017, he opened Bulles & Bonheur, ELODIE D.'s Champagne bar at 73 Avenue de Champagne in Épernay, and La Demeure d'Élodie, a guest apartment, completed in the summer of 2023, at no. 71 of the same address, with rooms and suites, as well as a spa in the cellar. 

From this second union, Rose was born in 2017, the only daughter of Élodie who enlarged the siblings of the 3 boys. Will she perpetuate the family history by becoming the next woman at the head of the estate?

21st century

Louis (SEPTEMBER 4, 2002 – ), Paul (JULY 23, 2005 – ), Pierre-Marie (MAY 16, 2008 – ) AND ROSE (JULY 10, 2017 – )

Louis and Paul, having already mapped out their professional careers according to their aspirations (one in 3D Design and one in architecture), Pierre-Marie would be more interested in viticulture. As for Rose, although very young, she already says she wants to be an oenologist, still working alongside her mother in the cellar, and her father with the international clients of Avenue de Champagne.

Will exploitation be transmitted from mother to daughter? One thing is certain, the story continues...